reconstituting my days
the last time you touched my cock
it's a gesture, dear, not a recipe
bending you over a folio of folding chairs in the basement of a rare books collection. vaseline. moth-eaten balls. smells like formaldehyde
in dreams (dec):
i'm driving my grandmother's manual shift car. the boot is full of compost. somewhere in the compost is a chanel bracelet. i could draw it for you. it came from the ocean where we had been earlier, where the seafoam surfspray was brushing my ribs
yr sickness is giving you a friar tuck haircut
auntie is in a documentary professing the wonders of western buddhism
you have had too much fun this week
i dream the temperature is sixty-eight degrees fahrenheit. when i wake up it's really eighteen. you would never love me now
i was sleeping in yr bed in the library and i did it there and i got in trouble. i have a couple of my own teeth that i'm binding in gold wire and i will wear around my neck on a chain
lookin at:
cleopatra's eye make-up had health benefits
clubfeet - count yr lovers
eddie ness
erik de vahl - friendly fire
ffw mag! - pablo lorenzatto by fabio bartlett
girls - heartbreaker
hafsteinn juliusson
islands - no you don't
katharina fritsch
kiki smith + deborah gans - museum @ eldridge st
li wei
markus georg
neanderthal make-up containers discovered
one in six children have difficulty learning to talk
pontus lidberg - the rain
prince's trust fears jobless youth face mental scars
sruli recht - ring
survival of the fittest: exercise can fight ageing
taking off
teresa monachino - around the world with the bodoni family
vincent fournier
white ribbon
xx: a sculpture of the album
yochai matos
listenin to:
bye bye bicycle
hanne hukkelberg
knife + mt sims + planningtorock - colouring of pigeons
lesley gore - i'm coolin, no foolin
love is all - kungen
sinead o'connor + karen finley - jump in the river
white hinterland
xiu xiu - gray death
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