this used to be where i'd leave from (this used to be my playground). now it's where i return (to). and i have to walk east from the train in the morning, so it's a blinding walk into the sun. i'm 16 and clueless and driving in a whiteout snowstorm. sometimes you think you either rake the coals or you get to livin, but, like everything else, sometimes, more often than not, they're the same thing.

life and then death? no. life is full of manifestations of the impermanence of itself. and i'm not just talking about la petite mort here. i mean everything. nothing lasts but the channel itself. so take lesson. ask the angels, and MOVE. all that slips out of yr hand first passes through it. and some things that drop are worth picking up again, over and over again. but already you run up against problems like what's worth unbounded by time? stability vs precarity is a false dichotomy. better to think in terms of silver slivers. shards. either you got a bunch of little pieces or you got less but bigger. either way, both reflect the same thing.
looking at:
a baby wolf with neon bones
andrea crews
asteroid collision less likely
big cat entertainment, inc.
french minister in boy sex row
girls - true love will find you in the end
goxxip - in concert on npr
travis jeppesen - friday i'm in love (or gg allin hails a cab)
most wanted sex offender found
new ring detected around saturn
patti smith - gloria (live on snl)
space clown hosts global show
mathias sterner
young adults anxiety overload
you're a racist
listening to:
ali love
frankie and the outs
life without buildings
woven bones
1 comment:
hi Daniel. i wanted to thank you in yr own space for the boys leaning together montage at Dennis Cooper's blog. Pray tell, who's the artist of the second panel from the top he he on the left?
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