pictures of you on my bedroom door:
i met ford on the playground at school. one of his friends noticed my joan jett t-shirt and arranged a meeting for us on the blacktop. ford showed up in his staple outfit at the time—chucks, cutoffs with fishnets underneath, and maybe a frumpies t-shirt. the rest is history. a history of record shopping, mix tapes, all night jam sessions, and french fries. we both lived in backyard bungalows, but we spent most of our time at his. it had better atmosphere cuz he had painted murals of the need on his wall. i think the general impression was that we were boyfriends (or at least we'd get called faggots a lot when we were out together), but at the time it was simpler than sex and more like siblings. a kerouac/cassady kinda thing.
i'm thinking about all this cuz of last weekend. come to think of it, cuz of this weekend, too. intimate and affirming and blah blah blah (i say it this way cuz i'm pretty sure everyone who was there was feeling comparable feelings). staring at the sky. staring at the sun. all of a sudden i was reading we owe you nothing. a teenager again. i think max maybe said something about how this makes sense of our kin.
through ford i met a host of amazing musicians who still comprise the majority of melbourne's finest. these were kids who infamously had the adrenaline and naivete to channel iggy pop's 1970 cincinnati performance until the mic was cut on accounts of teenage obscenity. we'd stay out way late getting lost but just making it to shows by origami and ninetynine and cutting class the next day to go see movies and buy comic books.
i think the first i heard of was the crayon fields cuz ford had written a song about them called crayola sodomy (ford's solo project was fordinthetrees and mine was sweetyoungthing and together we were sparkle motion and i think we maybe played one show accidentally). geoff from the crayon fields also has this really good sideproject called sly hats. the sly hats record features jarrod and nisa of fabulous diamonds. but when i first met jarrod, he was still in oh! belgium with annie and raquel. annie is now a netherlands-based artist and raquel (who made her new york debut earlier this summer) went on to be in the crazy jemima jemima who ended up being based in berlin. now, though, she performs solo as fatti frances and collaboratively in a gazillion other projects. and last year i had the pleasure of finally meeting self-proclaimed adult baby guy blackman.
in other music-related news, i finally downloaded the entire fever ray record. so. this weekend. maybe you have the following and would like to collaborate?:
black underwear
itunes visualizer
slow strobe
looking at:
all tomorrow's parties - the film
are women paying for sexism laws?
at the centre of time
butt gay porn at the ace hotel
crystals hold super computer key
dossier journal: issue iii - interview with collier schorr & monika condrea
find a grave
german homo erotic art first half 20th century
golden suicides
sharon hayes
travis jeppesen - excerpt: the suiciders
just what does make me 'me'?
lever house
my love is like a blue, blue rose
science to stop age clock at 50
swedes divided over bunny biofuel
us medical cannabis policy eased
listening to:
light asylum
little girls
1 comment:
Thanks for the German link, great images.
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